Airborne Honey illustrations

Sam and Flo Go Round the Bend - Watercare

Jean Batten's Planes - School Journal

Sam and Flo's Amazing Watery Adventure- Watercare

Pseudopanax ferox museum specimen

Insects of New Zealand Playing Cards

The Living Room- Connected

Kauri Dieback for Connected

Phytophthora Bait Trap- Connected

STAG Surgical Protocol- ENZTEC

Puriri Trust Botanical Illustration

Visual Guide to Ear, Nose, Throat Pathology

Botanical illustrations

NZ Marine Mammals

Bone Healing for Starship Child Health

Puriri Moth Lifecycle

Fontan Procedure published in EMJ Cardiology

North Island Weka

Clubfoot Tenotomy for Starship Child Health

Cast Care Patient Education for Starship Child Health

History of Anaesthesia for ANZCA

Chorus Cicada, Entomological illustration

Orsima Nectary Feeding for Dr Chrissie Painting

ENT 'scope' views for Visual Guide to ENT Pathology

National Anaesthesia Day for ANZCA

Grey-faced Petrel for MSc thesis, Jemma Welch

The Living Well Toolkit

NZ Magpie Moth Lifecycle for the Holwell Lab